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JAMES WHITE painting conservator KLB 1994 - 2001
I work as a free-lance wall painting conservator.
I didn’t realise at the time but my A-levels, Art, Chemistry and Biology, directly supported the work I do now. After leaving school I did an Art Foundation year which gave me extra time to develop my art skills and to decide upon which degree to do.
I spent 3 years studying ‘Conservation and Restoration of Historic Objects and Art BA(HONS)’at Lincoln University. A mainly practical based degree it also gave me a good grounding in conservation theory and ethics, and gave me the opportunity to travel to Syria and Cyprus to join volunteer projects to conserve wall paintings.
Upon leaving University I spent 6 months looking for my first paid project and have continued to work as a free-lance wall painting conservator for the last 9 years. I had a lot to learn about the job and how to manage my finances/business once starting work.
It has been challenging but rewarding and I have worked on wall paintings and stone objects from every century between the 11th – 21st centuries in places such as Cardiff Castle, Stratford-Upon-Avon church, Shakespeare grave and even in Wotton-Under-Edge. I have been employed in teams conserving medieval wall paintings and restoring Banksy graffiti art and the work continues to be very varied.
The next step in my carrier is to manage my own projects.